The Medal of St. Benedict

The oldest and one of the most highly honored medals used by the church is the medal of St. Benedict. marvelous indeed is the strength, comfort and divine aid which devout wearers of the medal of St. Benedict have received when they have found themselves in need.  For this reason, medal of St. Benedict is well known the world over and regarded as one of our most precious sacramentals.

 Origin of the Medal St. Benedict has profound veneration for the Holy Cross of our Savior and performed many miracles by its means.  He taught his followers to have great reverence for the sign of our redemption and to rely on its use in combating the threefold enemy of Man’s salvation – the world, the flesh and the devil.  Thus, it happened that the name of St. Benedict came to be intimately associated with the Cross of Christ.

The origin and history of the medal of St. Benedict is hidden in the twilight of antiquity.  Shortly after the year one thousand, a saintly youth by the name of Bruno was miraculously cured by the cross of St. Benedict of a deadly disease contracted from the bite of venomous reptile. In 1048, this young man, after leading a most holy life in the Order of St. Benedict, ascended the papal throne and took the name of Leo IX.  This great Pope, whom the church honors as one of her saints, did much to spread the devotion to the Holy Cross and St. Benedict with many blessings and indulgences.  Pope St. Benedict XIV at a later date gave the solemn approval of the church to the use of this medal and urgently recommended tit to all the faithful.

 Power and Efficacy

The value and power of the medal must be ascribed to the merits of Christ Crucified, to the efficacious prayers of the Holy Father St. Benedict, to the blessings of the church and especially to the faith and holy disposition of the person using the medal.  The following is a list of the many purposes of the medal of St. Benedict:

  1. It wards off from both soul and body all dangers arising from the devil.
  2. It helps to obtain the grace of conversion for even hardened sinners.
  3. It protects and help persons tormented by Satan, and in temptations against      holy purity.
  4. It procures and aid of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin, St. Joseph and St. Benedict in the hour of death.
  5. Bodily ailments and sickness have frequently been cured by its use.
  6. It serves as a powerful means against contagious diseases.
  7. It has been found to possess special power against witchcraft and other Diabolical Influences.
  8. Expectant mothers have obtained heaven’s special assistance for a happy Delivery.
  9. In time of storm, tempests and other dangers on land and sea, it affords protection from the above.
  10. Domestic animals have been visibly aided when infected by diseases or Plagues.

 Meaning of the Letters

 The letters which are engraved on the medal are the initials of as many words, and these words have great power in repelling Satan.  This is their explanation. First there are four letters’ places in the four outward angles on the cross. C.S.P.B. These are the initials of four Latin words: CRUX SANCTI PTRIS BENEDICTI. Which means: The Cross of our Holy Father Benedict.  On the perpendicular line of the Cross itself are the Letters: C.S.S.M.L. Standing for these Latin words: CRUX SACRA SIT MIHILUX, which means: May the Holy Cross be my light.

On the horizontal line of the Cross are other five letters: N.D.S.M.D. Non-DRACO SIT NIHI DUX. The English translation runs: May the dragon not be my guide. Round the outer rim of the same side is first the ordinary monogram of the Holy Name of Jesus: I.H.S. Then these fourteen letters: V.R.S.N.S.M.V.S.M.Q.L.I.V.B.

Which form the Latin verses: NUNQUAM SUADE MIHI VANA, SUNT MALA QUAE LIBAS IPSE VENENA BIBAS. This means: Begone, Satan: never suggest your vanities to me all your proffer are evil: drink the poison yourself.  At the top of the Cross is the word Pax meaning Peace, expressing the purpose and final fruit of the Benedictine way of life.


 In order to enjoy the personal protection, the spiritual and temporal favors attached to the medal of St. Benedict, it should be worn upon or at least kept near: thus, for example, it may be attached to the beads of the rosary or the scapular.  When used for sick persons it may be dipped unto the drinking water or medicine. Many pious persons place medal upon the doors or walls of their homes, or in the foundations of buildings. It is sometimes buried in gardens or fields to ward off harmful pests and injurious insects.  The wearer of the medal does not have to say any special prayers, unless he wants to gain the indulgences.  It is however, of the highest importance that one should be in the state of grace have a devout love for Christ Crucified, and humbly confide in the intercession of St. Benedict.  It would be advisable, for example to make the Way of the Cross, or to say some prayer in honor of the five holy wounds of Jesus; special prayers to and in honor of St. Benedict will be very helpful. It is commendable to say Our Father in honor of St. Benedict, especially when asking a favor.